We are taking part as a partner at the Berlin Music Hack Day 2014 on the 5th and 6th september. Therefore we have something special prepared: We are going to build a Super Awesome Trafo Techno Trailer we can use for our rides. So at the end of the Hackathon we can do a Ride […]
We have some amazing results from our second coding session, we can´t wait to take our new sound responsive jackets out to the field! Big big thanks to Hannah, here´s her description: [xt_blockquote author=”Hannah”] the first videos are using this microphone module >> http://www.tinkersoup.de/breakout-board-for-electret-microphone/a-304/ and this code >> https://github.com/plusea/CODE/tree/master/PROJECT%20CODE/TrafoPop%20Workshop/fft_sound_tp_hannah the effects in the second videos are done […]
How cool is that? Hannah´s vest is now responding to sound! We are currently working on making our jackets more interactive and doing quite well, great thanks to Hannah, Jussi and Stefan. We are looking forward for the next Trafo Pop clubbing tour, yeah! Hannah’s Jacket is featured by adafruit at Wearable Electronics with Becky Stern […]
David made some 3D printable caps for the LED bulbs we are using. They work very well and attach the LED additonally from the outside so they don’t fall off and they work as a cap to cover up the part of the bulb that is not illuminated. It’s also possible to use them in combination […]
NOW IT`S YOUR TURN! you can now easily contribute your graphic that can be displayed on the screen of the jacket! here´s the masterfile, try it out and send us your sketch hi@trafopop.com we are going to wear them on the next nightride – YEAH! [xt_button style=”normal” size=”medium” href=”https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/h4r8fwu0iszn7tf/trafopop-photoshop-LED-template-screen.psd” target=”_blank” color=”blue” type=”image” icon=”arrow-down”]download the photoshop file […]
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